Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I've heard it preached from many pulpits: Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Along with you can have what you say. Well I believe I must have grown into a man of great faith.

Faith in my bad luck, that is.

Some examples:

One evening while repairing my broken down work truck,

on the side of the road,
in the middle of nowhere,
on way home from a railing job.
"Well tomorrow I can come back to finish up a little detail in my Cherokee"...
(then I added, sarcastically)
.."watch, it'll blow up tomorrow."
It did.

One day recently while working at the shop,

outside because there's no where near enough room inside.
(Spoken dripping with sarcasm)
"I wish it would rain and we could do this in a mud puddle."
It did.

"And I'd like it to be hot, too."

It was.
2 degrees shy of a new record.

"Plus wouldn't it be really great if we were working in a big tin can."

We were.
It really wasn't great.

It seems to work for the good, too. I've wished for lots of work.

Now there's a ton of work in the shop that all has to be done now.
Right now.

But that's not a complaint.

Maybe I should try less sarcasm and more good, happy thoughts.

Ah, who am I kidding.